Troubleshooting Guide
Refer to our guide for troubleshooting information and solutions. If you require further assistance, please submit a technical inquiry.
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RS-232 Configuration
Symptom : RS-232 Log is not checkable
Cause :
- Incorrect RS-232 wiring
- RS-232 H/W faulty interface
Solution :
- Check the connection of RS-232 whether it is wired to D-sub 9pin. (female)
- Install the serial terminal program (e.g. Tera term), set up the details such as serial port, and baud rate and check whether the logs are able to be extracted.
EVCC’s default serial baud rate setting is 115200.
Actuator Control
Symptom : Actuator does not work properly
Cause :
- Different operation characteristics of the actuator from each manufacturer.
- Incorrect pin connection
Solution :
- Check the CAN data of EVCC in terms of setting of actuators types.
- 0x1EBCC001.1.0 (01: Phoenix 12V, 02: Phoenix 24V, 03: REMA, 04: Amphenol, 05: Hela)
- The 3rd makers’ actuator other than stated above, please check with Gridwiz team. - Check the status of the connection between actuator and connector pin.
- ACTUR_N (Pin 14), ACTUR_P (Pin 7)
Pin # | Pin Name |
7 | ACTUR_P |
14 | ACTUR_N |
21 | ACTUR_S1 |
Pin # | Pin Name |
6 | ACTUR_S2 |
5 | ACTUR_S3 |
7 | ACTUR_P |
14 | ACTUR_N |
CAN Communication
Symptom : CAN Communication Problems
Cause :
- Incorrect CAN wiring
- Mismatching of CAN ID setting
- CAN H/W faulty interface
Solution :
- Check the status of connection between CAN pins and EVCC.
(CAN_H -> Pin 10, CAN_L -> Pin 18)
- EVCC does not have a termination resistor on its CAN bus. 120ohm termination resistor needs to be placed at both ends of the CAN bus.
Pin # Pin Name 10 CAN_H 18 CAN_L
- Check the accordance of the CAN ID of the request upon ordering and the ID on EVCC’s H/W.
- EVCC’s default CAN baud rate setting is 500kbps. - Check 0x1EBCC001.7.0 (evccHeartbeat) via Can analysing tool (e.g. PCAN-Explorer, CANalyzer)
- If it works properly, the value is continuously changing from 0 to 255.
Controlling CP Level
Symptom : The CP voltage level of vehicle is not changed from 12V to 9V.
Cause :
- Incorrect initial setting of EVCC.
Solution :
- Check the subject of CP level switching whether it is changed by EVCC or EV System by its booting log information.
- S2 switch control by EVCC
- S2 switch control by EVS (EV System)
General Charging Failure with EVSE
Symptom : Charging failure with EVSE
Cause :
- Incorrect EVCC controlling
- Faulty EVSE status
Solution :
- There are huge number of causes of charging failure with EVSE. Extract the serial(RS-232) log starting from the beginning of the charging to the end and send the charging log to Gridwiz for analysing.
- Gridwiz team will reach back to sender with accurate analysis of the log sent.